Information Technology for IEPs

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Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

The IT certificate allows you to take advanced courses in system analysis, big data, enterprise systems and application development. At York University’s IEP Bridging Program business you will complete three university-level courses to ensure your soft skills are top notch. These courses provide a full overview and practice of communication, teamwork, cross-cultural problem solving, leadership, and management skills within the Canadian context. 

The Object-Oriented Programming foundation course provides fundamental Java programming skills if you already have some training in other programming languages. The program also lets you take up to five advanced-level university courses (15 credits) in your area of IT specialization. Through these specialized courses, you will acquire up-to-date local professional knowledge and skills in your areas of expertise. Courses include web technologies, internet client service systems, system analysis and design, introduction to data analytics, data warehousing and business intelligence, web mining, business process management systems, ERP systems configuration, using and designing database systems, internet client server systems, building e-commerce systems, requirements management, software engineering, platform computing and computer network protocols and applications. New courses are being developed in applied artificial intelligence and enterprise architecture.
